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Pain Management

Our pain compounds are tailored made for each patients. There is no cookie cutter approach or one size fits all. Our pain compounds are not only efficacious in addressing pain issues but also removes the other side effects of traditional pain rem-edy options available in market.


Traditional Remedy


Acute pain easily can evolve into chronic pain, which can become difficult to treat. Many commonly prescribed, commercially available pain relief medications help the symptoms associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyal-gia, migraine headaches, and other nerve and muscle pain, but they can also result in unwanted side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness or stom-ach irritation. Many patients taking these medica-tions come to accept these conditions as part of daily life, but they may find a better solution through pharmacy compounding.


  • Typically consists of pills/tablets taken orally

  • Affects the whole body instead of concentrat-ing on specific pain areas

  • Side effects includes stomach irritation, dizzi-ness & high risk of addiction


Our Compounds


  • Custom made for each patient keeping in mind usage, efficacy and allergies

  • Our pain solutions are in cream format and comes in nice dispensable pump bottles

  • Better results because applied to the affected pain area and are absorbed through skin (topical creams)

  • Safer option and reduces the risk of addiction and stomach issues

  • Ingredients used to create the com-pounds are FDA approved

  • We are licensed to service Missouri and Kansas states


  Download Prescription pad for Pain Mangement Compounds







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